Capturing the Essence of Humanity: Exploring the Power of Social Documentary Photography
In an increasingly digital world, social documentary photography serves as a powerful tool to capture authentic moments and evoke emotions. It enables photographers to tell impactful stories about society, shedding light on issues and promoting social change. Social documentary photography transcends boundaries, taking us on a visual journey that both educates and inspires. Through thought-provoking […]
Free Book on Documentary Photography
Download my free book on Making Documentary Photography One of the great things about being a photographer is the sense of community and the other photographers who are willing to share their experience and expertise, and that is why I am offering a free book on documentary photography, called Making Documentary Photography. I’ve been telling […]
ESG Communications
A report by KPMG stated that most companies plan to spend more on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) initiatives in the next three years but that poor ESG Communications are an obstacle to progress. The report stated that business leaders felt there was a disconnect between strategy and execution that was, in part, caused by lack […]
Photography for corporate social responsibility
How photography for corporate social responsibility can build trust with stakeholders. Barely a week passes without an article or Op Ed describing how companies are deceiving the general public with claims of corporate social responsibility and sustainability that cannot be verified. The Financial Times wrote: Nobody wants to be caught out as a liar, and […]
Social Documentary Photography of Hampshire Farms
A social documentary photography project about farmers in Hampshire. Throughout 2024 I’m following six farms and their farmers as part of a social documentary photography project. They are all tenants of Hampshire County Council’s County Farms Estate, some have been tenants for just over a year, others for a couple of years, and one for […]
County Farms Project
In its report ‘Reviving County Farms’ the authors, CPRE, state that ‘County farms are smallholdings owned by local authorities and originally intended to be let out to young and first-time farmers, sometimes at below-market rents. They are a vital ‘first rung on the farming ladder’ for newcomers to a sector that has high up-front capital […]
Documentary photography project about homelessness
Documentary photography project highlighting the growing issue of homelessness In October the homeless charity, Stonepillow, allowed me access to their facilities to see the work they do and meet the people they support, their clients. This is the beginning of a year long documentary photography project about homelessness, the varying causes of homelessness and how, […]
AI and Photography
The featured image of this blog was AI generated. I used Google to identify a free online application, entered a few words and seconds later an image was generated that I could download. With a paid subscription I imagine that the quality would improve dramatically. In the past few weeks I have had numerous discussions […]
What is social documentary photography?
I consider myself to be a social documentary photographer but what is social documentary photography? What is social documentary photography? I think social documentary photography is photography that captures an element of society or culture. It is primarily used to describe photography that highlights social issues but that constrains the definition to rule out photography […]
Two exhibitions
Palermo Mon Amour I was in Turin recently and whilst there visited two photography exhibitions that were very different. I’m a big fan of Letizia Battaglia and I knew that her work was part of an exhibition called Palermo Mon Amour (Palermo My Love), which also included work by Enzo Sellerio, Franco Zecchin, Fabio Sgroi, […]